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Let’s Talk About It

Unpopular Opinion: “If more black males were emotionally intelligent, more black women would be submissive and fall in line.”

Emotional Intelligence definition:

the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

My Reasoning:

Due to the lack of male guidance or positive male role models ALOT OF MALES operate out of EMOTION instead of LOGIC. Which not only created an imbalance in the system but also caused a lot of males to lack accountability, and play the blame game which is also an emotion driven deflection. For example when too females argue it’s not about logic 7 out 10 times it’s out of emotion which causes things to escalate quickly. So now imagine that on a scale of man and woman. If we both emotional who being logical in that instance? That’s the males objective honestly to lead you need to to remain the logical one, provide, protect, and make provisions where needed. But how can you do any of those things when you rooted in emotion. If men truly operated as such a woman would have no problem yielding to a man because it’s peace, security and structure in logic but none in chaos and emotion.

1.Not saying men don’t have emotions or can’t speak on how they feel.

2. Not taking a shot a single mothers.

3. Not taking a shot a females who lack accountability.

4. Not talking about promiscuous females.

5. Not talking about dog ass males either.

This was posted by Aundrea

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